Minggu, 22 April 2012

Development of industry in Indonesia is very rapid. Assessment of an industrial design that is formed in the plant must consider all aspects, including aspects of environmental governance are governed by laws and local regulations. Industries that are formed in a factory building and the activities conducted therein or business, it is possible to create a large and significant impact on the environment, including:
a. Alteration of land forms and landscapes;
b. Exploitation of natural resources both renewable and non renewable;
c. Processes and activities that can potentially lead to waste, pollution and environmental damage and degradation of natural resources and their utilization;
d. Processes and activities which may affect the natural environment, built environment and social and cultural environment;
e. Processes and activities which may affect the preservation of natural resources conservation areas and / or protection of cultural heritage;
f. Introduction of plants, animals and micro organisms;
g. Manufacture and use of biological and non biological materials;
h. Application of technology that is expected to have great potential to affect the environment;
i. Activities that have a high risk and / or affect national defense.
       Hence there are at least three reasons to be important when building a plant in terms of environmental governance, coupled with the regional autonomy, the environmental problems in the construction of the plant will get more serious attention.
       These three reasons: first, in discussing the capital projects industry. Construction of capital projects industry is an industry that by the American Institute of Chemical Enginees ranked as the industry in processing or manufacturing of raw materials into desired products there is a process of chemical change (unit proces) or physics (unit operation). Performed at the same time or sequentially in a coordinated manner in which the equipment will be the whole refinery or production facility / industry.
       Industrial development project activities are directed to either the planning or design engeneering, economic and environmental governance.
        In environmental governance potential pollution to the environment by an industry whose operations are based on the chemical and physical processes are considered large enough, such as the existence of incomplete combustion resulting in the deployment of carbon compounds that can harm the environment.Or maybe a fire or toxic chemicals flowing hydrocarbons or scattered kesekeliling refineries could endanger the lives of flora and fauna of the place is. Therefore, the refinery industry should be equipped with equipment that can provide a sign of a leak that may occur so as not to spread out the refineries that can harm the surrounding environment.
       Second. Environmental impact analysis, on one side of a feasibility study to implement a business plan and / or activities, on the other hand is a necessary condition for permission to conduct business or activity. Based analalisis be known more clearly a large and important impact on the environment, both negative and positive impacts that will arise from the business or activity so that steps can be prepared to cope with negative impacts and maximize positive impacts.
       To measure or determine the major and significant impact, including the criteria used:
a. The large number of people who will be affected by the business plan and / or activities;.
b. The total area affected;
c. Intensity and duration of the impact;
d. Many other environmental components yanga will be affected;
e. The cumulative nature of impacts;
f. Turned (reversible) or did not return (irreversible) impacts
        Waste management is an activity that involves a reduction, storage, collection, transportation, utilization, processing, and / or hoarding. Obligation to perform the management intended to reduce the possible risk to the environment of pollution or environmental destruction, given the hazardous and toxic materials have considerable potential to cause negative effects, therefore the requirements of the environmental setting within the framework of regional autonomy for each business and / or activities that pose a large and significant impact on the environment, are required to have an environmental impact analysis to obtain a license to do business and / or activities provided by the competent authority in the area according to the laws and regulations. In issuing a license to do business and / or activity must be considered:
a. Spatial planning
b. Public opinion
c. Considerations and recommendations of the competent authorities relating to the business and / or activities.
       The license to do business and / or activities should be emphasized that the obligation with respect to the arrangement of the provisions concerning environmental  that must be implemented by those responsible for the business, which is required to make or carry out an environmental impact analysis, the management plan and environmental monitoring plan shall implemented should be clearly stated in the license to do business and / or activities. For example, the obligation to manage waste, wastewater quality requirements that may be discharged into the environment, and obligations relating to waste disposal, such as the obligation to conduct self-monitoring and reporting obligations of such self-monitoring results to the agency responsible for the field of environmental impact control.
        Third. Based on the assessment of Corporate Performance Rating Program (Proper) 2009 on the performance of 627 firms, 56 firms are ranked in black, red minus 48 companies, 82 companies in red, blue minus 229 companies, 170 companies of blue, 41 green companies, and companies that have received only one of gold.
        The companies that are blacklisted are required to immediately improve environmental management performance.Because, in Act 32 of 2009 quietly Protection and Environmental Management, companies that do not pay attention to aspects of environmental pengelolaaan will be given strict punishment.
       Affirmative action for polluters and environmental offenders is a form of equitable principles in environmental management, especially in protecting the public and the environment. After the enactment of new legislation, the future is not just a company that gets a black warning label, but also a company that includes a list of red and red minus. These companies can be sued is a green shirt.It was based on the reason companies do only half the red ranks of environmental management in accordance with the requirements of the Act, while the red-minus-ranked participants proper is very little to environmental management in accordance with the Act. Before required by law, the company will be developed first.
       The two companies blacklisted will get guidance from the Office of the Deputy Planning Law of the Environment. Because the basic philosophy is proper guidance and supervision.
        Usually at the request of the coaching process proactively from a company that ranked black or red in order to increase their rankings in the next year. They asked the team to conduct proper technical study on environmental management as mandated by the Act. For example, regarding the management of hazardous and toxic waste generated to be destroyed since there is to know exactly every move and note.
       Coaching is done on several considerations, such as when a black-ranked company directly sued a green shirt, auto companies have to stop the operation. It certainly could have social impacts of the Termination of Employment (FLE) for employees as well as detrimental to surrounding communities that rely heavily on the running of the company. If the companies do not make improvements during construction, legal counsel KNLH will not hesitate to prosecute them through legal channels.
       Proper organizers are aiming to have all walks of life play an active role as a watchdog to help the government improve the quality of the environment. If the evidence submitted by the person or institution can be justified, KNLH will revoke the award of a troubled company. Ranking criterion is proper;
A. Gold rating; has conducted environmental management more than required and have attempted 3 R (reuse, recycle, recovery), to implement sustainable environmental management system, and make efforts that are useful for long-term interests of society.
2. Green rating; has made management more than the required environment, have environmental management systems, have a good relationship with the community, including the 3R efforts.
3. Ranked blue; has conducted environmental management more than those required in accordance with the rules and regulations.
4. Blue-minus rating; perform the undertakings of the management of the neighborhood, but some efforts have not achieved results in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the legislation.
5. Ranked red; environmental management efforts, but only partly achieved in accordance with the requirements as set out in legislation.
6. Red-minus rating; perform environmental management effort, but only a small part to achieve results in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the legislation.
7. Ranked black; not made meaningful efforts to manage the environment, intentionally did not make the effort as required for environmental management, as well as the potential to pollute the environment.
       A new company or old when following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to the right, confirmed the company was ranked the blue. Therefore, the ratings are only requires companies to manage their environment according to the legislation. For example, to comply with building permits, spatial, industrial zones and economic and environmental impact analysis. Here, the role of government in particular areas that are now authorized individual to manage and regulate the potential area within the framework of regional autonomy.

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