Sabtu, 11 November 2017

Role of Local Government in Food Availability Based on Indonesia’s Food Law in Serang City
1Ikomatussuniah, 2Nurikah, 3Widiatul Arafah
1Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia
2Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia
3Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia

The authority in terms of food availability that has been mandated in Indonesia’s food law said that the Central Government and Local Government are responsible for food availability. Units of Local Government are assigned by The Ministry Of the Agriculture Republic of Indonesia to do their obligation in the food security field. Role of Serang City Government effort is needed for increasing food security. With literature research and field studies, it can be seen on the reality that Serang City does not have a specific institution yet to solve food security problems. Subsequently, all of these problems make the obligation of Serang's Agricultural Institution full. In this case, a specific food institution whose tackling food problems is needed.
Key word: food availability, food security, local goverment.

Indonesia is known as an agricultural country, most of its inhabitants work in agriculture. This situation should be a favorable thing for Indonesia, because of with vast green lands and biodiversity, can make it as a prosperous country and make its citizens safe. Indonesia has a wide range of agricultural land, plantation, water areas, and representative forest. However, every year 100,000 hectares of agricultural land shrinks, plantation productivity declines, water areas decline due to the destruction of water areas and decreasing forest areas due to illegal logging and licensing systems both legal and illegal in Forest Management Rights that decline and disappear forests function. Logically, as an agrarian country, Indonesia can meet the food which needed to its people properly and sustainably.[1] The problem of declining forest areas is not the only impediment of food fulfillment, but other problems can appear such as in population growth. This can be a serious threat for Indonesia, because of the increasing population will rise the need for food too, and it will occur other problems in the environment, social and economic sectors. The emergence of food problems related will occur to social problems that caused food scarcity if the economic sector distrupted. For instance, in real market the are high demands of staple food, incontrary the food avilability cannot meet it. This becomes a major problem that needs to be resolved by the government as agency that have to responsible in the prosperity of its citizens. Moreover, Indonesia is a welfare state that it has very wide obligation to organize the public interests. In addition, state has their own freedom in administration accordance with the authority given based on regulations. With such authority, the government has to responsible for the welfare of its citizens, especially to fulfill the right to food for citizen.[2] In this condition, government needs to establish an food institution or food agency to tackle food security. This institution should be integrated both at the central and regional levels because of food security problem becomes a serious thing that must be invoked by the government central and regional.
Banten is one of Indonesian province that established on 4Th October 2000. it consists of 8 districts or cities, and one of its areas is Serang City. This city is capital city of Banten province than it should be a reference for other districts or cities in Banten province. The growth of Serang City population based on data from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), notes that the population growth rate in Serang City each year is 0.77 percent.[3] Subsequently, the government have to create covenant on food security policy because one of the government authorities in agriculture is encompass the standard norms of procurement, management, and distribution of food.[4] The availability of food is important in efforts to meet the food which needed to the people, especially the basic needs of the community along with the increasing population growth. A rise in global food prices could lead to improve a number of famine citizens. Lack of food and malnutrition in a country will create a generation that less intelligent, weak physically and less productive. So, it can be assume that Serang City needs their own food sovereignty. Food sovereignty is a way of achieving concept of walfare state in Indonesia based on Indonesian preambule constitution 1945 in fourth paragraph. In the same way food sovereignty has been enshrined in Indonesian food law. Indonesia, the country based on the law, emphasize based on food sovereignty rights, then the state have to guarantee the right to food for its inhibitants. In this condition people has the right to determine the food system in accordance with the potential of its local resources or local wisdom. Moreover, every countries must be able to protect, to provide and to fulfill food for it’s people up to themselves.[5] The availability of food is to meet people needed, and people's food becomes a matter that must be paid attention by the government in each region respectively. In addition, food availability and food security are parts of food sovereignty.
Food security is a duty of central government and each local government in their respective regions. As stated in Article 12 (1), 12 (2) of No. 18/2012 on Food Law (for next occur we assume it as ‘FL’) stated that the Government and local governments are responsible for the availability of food. And also determine that the Government and local governments are responsible for the availability of food in the region and the development of local food production. Local government, in this case, the Government of Serang City, has an obligation to prosper the community, especially for sufficient food supply in Serang City. Local governments need to pay attention to food planning regularly, distribution of food and marketing. As a general welfare organizer, the government's duties include all social fields, that are actively participating in government administration in public health, teaching, food and agrarian duties. Thus, state administrators have freedom of action, especially in the urgent circumstances that occur, while the settlement regulation has not established.[6] This also applies to local governments to assign a particular body or institution in the field of food to provoke the availability of food in the Serang City, because the authority of food security is the authority of its Local Government.
The duties of local government related to the availability of food in the effort to protect, to provide and to fulfill the right to food of the people has been regulated in Regulation the Minister of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia No. 43/Permentan/OT.010/8/2016 about Guidelines of Nomenclature, Duties, and Functions of Institution of Food and Local Agricultural Affairs at Province and District/City (for next we called it ‘The Guidelines’) that in the settlement of food resilience issues, resolved by the Regional Device Work Unit (SKPD) Which specialized in handling food affairs. In the case on jurisdiction local area, the body (SKPD) of food its called Local Institution of Food Security. In contrary, if in jurisdiction of local area has not established bodies food based on The Guidelines mandated, can assume that the regional government is not implement the array. Moreover, based on the reality, Serang City is the only one City of Banten Province that has not have Food Security Institution compare other districts/cities. This ilustrate that Serang City Government does not see the problem of food security as a matter of specific concern, it can be seen  that the Government of Serang City can implement the Guidelines if the institution of food has not created yet. The Guidelines essentially created to fulfill the right to food based on Indonesian Constitution. For Serang City, the formation of food security institution can be done by the Serang City’s Government to protect, to provide and to fulfill the right to food of its inhibitants. The instituion could lead the local government to facilitate surveillance functions on the right to food. Subsequently, The Guidelines have to implement by all local governments including Serang City.
Based on the glance exposure about local food institution, The Guidelines should be implement to all regions, but the Serang City has not established the institution that mandated, then if this situation still occur, the problem is how Serang City could be handled the food problems to prosperous people’s life.

The method of research is empirical approach refers to food law and social condition that exists in society. This research is included in the type of descriptive analytical research because it describes the role in Serang City in protect, provide and fulfill the right to food. Secondary data is used, such as bibliographic data, journals, scientific papers, articles and documents related to the research material. In addition, researchers use primary data sources as a source, that is done by interview. In this research, the interview was conducted to Head of Food at Agriculture Institution of Serang City, Mrs. Andriyani, M.P. Data that have been collected from the results of research and then analyzed qualitatively.

1.      Food Availability in Serang City
Food is a basic human need, and the state is obliged to realize the availability, reach, and fulfillment of adequate, safe, quality and balanced nutritious food consumption both nationally and regionally up to individuality in all regions of the Indonesian Republic as well as in Serang City. This can be realized by the Government of Serang City by utilizing local resources, in other hand local food institution must be strengthened. In addition, based on the population census conducted by the BPS in 2015, Serang City is a region with a fairly dense population, that cover 643,205 inhabitants, while the total area of ​​Serang City is 266.71 km2. One thing to point out is based on the number of people and its area, Government can improve the natural and food resources, then fulfill all communities needed in this situation for people up to themselves.[7] This is also mentioned in article 1 of FL, that food is everything, role or processed, originated from biological sources as product of agriculture, plantations, forestry, fishery, animal farming, and water, which is used as food or drink for human consumption including its additives, raw materials, and other materials used in the preparation, processing, and/or manufacturing of food and drink. In this sense, the definition of food is very broad, so it needs government involve to meet the right to food.
Food availability in Article 1 (6) of Government Regulation No. 17/2015 about Food Security and Nutrition, said that the availability food condition are from domestic production and food national reserves then imports will be done to fulfill if both resources can not meet the needs. In order to meet the food supply, Serang City needs to pay attention to domestic production and national food reserves, then if the two food sources are not met, the efforts of Serang City to fulfill the food supply is by importing food or food procurement from other areas. The availability of food can affect the livelihood of the community, both producers (farmers) and consumers. So that the people of Serang City and the state organizers have the right to determine their food security system independently. Food security is basically rooted in the fulfillment of food for households, which is reflected in the availability of adequate food, both in quantity and quality, safe, equitable, and affordable, Whereas there are three subsystems in food security, there are availability, access, and food absorption. The three subsystems must be met and related to each other, so that if one of the subsystems are not met then the food security can be said still fragile. Two main subsystems that must be realized by the Serang City, in this case, is the availability of food and food access. For that, it needs to be thought that food security is more a massive system of two main interrelated subsystems, which are producers and production, and consumers and their consumption. Each food security subsystems are determined by the components that support each other, including the community and the organizer of food security itself.[8]
The local government is responsible for the availability of adequate food for the community, because the local government is committed to improving the welfare of the community, and it can start from improving the management of agricultural land. So, that crops can increase, not only rice crops but also other crops such as corn and soybean. This is also an effort that needs to be done by the Serang City in realizing the availability of food. Therefore, what can be done by the local government is through food self-sufficiency program. This program must be considered by the local government, in addition to Human Development Index (HDI), eventhough many industries entering into an area, agricultural lands have to keep up.[9] Subsequently,  when the population growth experiences sky rocketing, the population need a lot of food, in this situation government should do their obligation to protect, to provide and to fulfill people’s right to food. These obligation by atribution appears on Article 12 (2) of FL, stated that central government and local government are responsible for the availability of food. Futhermore, based on article 3 (d) of Serang City Regulation Number 7/2016 about the Establishment and Structuring of Serang City Regional Device, mentioning that the Agriculture Office organizes government affairs in agriculture, marine and fishery, and food field the authority is owned by Agriculture Institution of Serang City. To implement food availability the local government can cooperate among other Institution. However, the major tasked of its function is still in Serang City’s Agricultural Institution authority. The atribution of Serang City’s Agricultural Institution to handle food problems caused the main duties and function of Serang City’s Agricultural Institution consentrated. Thus, the problem of food security are not only on agricultural sector itself, but social and economic sectors are included. The complexity of food security problem is one of the problem and on the other hand agricultural problem assumed as a massive problem. So, all of that caused a dense task of Agriculture Berau of Serang City to emphasize food security.
Based on article 12 of FL said that in to create food availability, Serang City as a local government should develop domestic production of food with some measures :
a.       Developing food production that relies on resources, institutions, and local wisdom.
b.       Developing the efficiency of the food business system.
c.       Developing facilities, infrastructure, and technology production, post-harvest handling, processing, and storage of food.
d.       Building, rehabilitating, and developing food production infrastructure.
e.       Maintaining and developing the productive land.
f.        Building food production center areas.
The increasing of local food production that must be done by Serang City nicely to establish people’s foods need in its area. In addition, Serang City efforts to increase local food production can be done based on Food Security’s data from Agricultural Institution in Serang City. It is stated that, the used of Serang City area for agriculture land is wider enough, which is the use of agricultural (riceland) such as irrigation has the greates area with 4,910 hectare(s) from the all areas which are ​​8,355 hectare(s). Another thing to present is that the use of agricultural land instead of rice fields, garden is the largest with 6,406 hectare(s) of total area ​​11,747 hectare(s). This should be a capital for Government of Serang City to use existing land, to improve local food production. However, inhibitans who rely on agricultural sector is just 7.77 percent, that means only 20,042 people from 257.861 people in Serang City. This should be attention of the City Government, because lack of human resources whose act in agricultural sector, caused the decrease local food production and the alternative local food of Serang City. Moreover, food availability is related with the improving of government local food production. So in fulfillment right to food the Government need to pay attention both of those things.
Positive effect on region food business will be occur by the increase of local food production. Development of food business system that has been done by the Serang City is by making Community Food Barns (LPM). LPM was formed due to the many problems related to food faced by the community such as poverty, uncertain harvests, and climate problems. It needs food business to meet the food which needed to closure people and can be managed by the community themselves. In this case, the people who manage the LPM are members of farmer group. Serang City will provide the initial stimulant in the implementation of the community food business system. LPM’s system is similar to the savings and loans system in cooperative. Morover, loan in LPM can be in form of rice or grain. So, the members of farmer group who will borrow some grain or rice, will have to repay the loan with same amount and give more with its power. For example, when the farmer have to harvest their farm they have to more struggle to return their loans twice to pay sack of rice to cooperative, it means another sack that he/she gain it will be for themselves as a profit. This program can develop Serang City’s food business system.
The fulfillment of need for food is not only through the development of food business system, but other essential things is important too, such as development of facilities, infrastructure, and technology for the production of post-harvest handling, processing, and storage of food. Serang City has a role in management food reserves both government food reserves and community food reserves. The management of government's food reserves and food reserves of District/City is implemented by the Regional Device Work Unit (SKPD) which performs the tasks and performs functions in field of food security. This is based on the mandate of Article 18 (2) of Government Regulation No. 17/2015 on Food Security and Nutrition, in this case, the District/City Government in the implementation can be carried out in cooperation with State-Owned Enterprises and/or Regional-Owned Enterprises in field of food. In the regulation, it has been clearly mentioned that in terms of management of food reserves to realize food availability in Serang City’s authority. Based on data from the Serang City Agricultural Service, it is known that to meet the needs of the community, Serang City imports and procures the needs from outside the region, as in the procurement of rice supply mostly obtained from Karawang, Kediri, Lampung, and Cianjur, Private company in Cigading, supply of chicken eggs obtained from Java, Sumatra, Pabuaran, and Petir, and supply of chicken obtained from Anyer, Lampung, Labuan, Pandeglang, and Mandalawangi. Based on research the trading of rice in Serang City tend to resell to market or other big traders, because the existing supply is only focused to meet the needs of rice in Serang City. The rice that goes to Serang City is not just sold to all markets of Serang City and outside its area, but there are also some rice are supplied to big traders in this case restaurant industries which amount 7,500 kg per month. It can be seen that there are big volumes of rice to distribute for recent industry.[10] And it is indicated that the rice is not accurately deliver to society who needed. To point out, staple food can be reserved by Government of Serang City currently only rice, it is based on data obtained from the Institution of Agriculture of Serang City. Other efforts that have been done by the Government of Serang City is counseling-extension for farmer groups, whether related to harvest or post-harvest. However, the extension can be done to farmers of farmer group members only. Efforts are made by Government of Serang City in developing food production, facilities and infrastructure done by build, rehabilitate, and develop existing food production infrastructure.
The development of food production infrastructure related are maintain and expand productive land. In Serang City the basic food production infrastructure is agricultural land, so its focused on the development of food agriculture land. The Government of Serang City in expanding productive land, current regulation is still referring to the Regional Regulation of Banten Province No. 5/2014 on Sustainable Agricultural Land Protection. In this situation, development of food production area can build food center in Serang City, it is shown to make society easy in fulfilling the requirement of food in central ​​food production area. But, at this time the food production center area in Serang City has not focused on one place. It still appear divided in several places such as Kramatwatu, Pasar Rawu, and Walantaka. So it takes big efforts to realizing the availability of food especially in establish an a food production center.
Inadequate implementation in realizing food availability in Serang City, shows that the Serang City Agriculture Institution does not implement its authority that received by attribution in the provisions of Article 12 (2) of FL, stated that central government and local governments are responsible for the availability of food and the development of local food production in the region. In addition, implementation in realizing food security in Serang City which is currently implemented by the Institution of Agriculture of Serang City, based on the mandate in article 3 (d) of Serang City Regulation No. 7/2016 about the Establishment and Composition of Serang City Device, stated that the Institution of Agriculture handle of Government affairs in agriculture, marine and fisheries, and food field.
The mandate of Law No. 18/2012 of FL, is Lex Specialis Derogated Lex Generalis with The Guidelines. Based on the FL, the responsible of food availability is obligated to center government and local government. In other hand, it appears on regulation issued by the Guidelines mentioned, regional apparatus of local government whose implementing element of local government administration for food affairs is formed on District/City Institution based on Article 2 (2) of The Guidelines. It is also mentioned in Article 5 (2) that the nomenclature of the District/City named by the Institution, providing food affairs as referred to in Article 2 (2) is called the District Food Security Institution. Compare due the regulation, the guidelines has become first stake on food security institution regulation refers to the FL. It is clear that the Guidelines derogate the FL on food security institution establishment. The implementation of food security affairs currently implemented by the Serang City Agriculture Institution has not as it should be. Implementation of food availability in Serang City has not maximal in the absence of special institutions that handle food security affairs. Furthermore, it can compare on Attachment III of the Guidelines mentions that the duties and functions of the District Food Security Institution, such as :
a.       Arraging regional policies in food availability areas, food insecurity, food distribution, food reserves, diversification of consumption and food security.
b.       Implementation of local policies in food availability areas, food insecurity, food distribution, food reserves, diversification of consumption and food security.
c.       Coordinating provision of infrastructure and support in food availability areas, food insecurity, food distribution, food reserves, diversification of consumption and food security.
d.       Improving quality of human resources in food availability areas, food insecurity, food distribution, food reserves, diversification of consumption and food security.
e.       Monitoring, supervising, evaluating, and reporting of funds in food availability areas, food insecurity, food distribution, food reserves, diversification of consumption and food security.
f.        Implement the administration of Food Security Institution.
g.       Implementation of other functions that provided by Regent/Mayor.
Based on the duties and functions in the Guidelines, there are several things not optimally have been implemented by the Agriculture Institution of Serang City, there are :
a.       Inadequate supervising and monitoring food safety in Serang City, it can be seen from the activity of food safety surveillance it just has done once a year or before the holy day of recent religion.
b.       Implementation of regional policies in food availability areas is not accomplished maximally because Serang City only has a draft of local Food Security regulation.
c.       Based on the data obtained, shows that all areas in Banten Province have District Food Security Institution except Serang City. In this case, Serang City does not implement the provisions of function in the Guidelines that related to provision of infrastructure and support in food security areas.

2.      Food Security Institution
The barometer of food security contains four essences, there are food availability, food accessibility, food stability, and food quality. All essences are an integrated system and cannot be beheaded, established one by one. The availability of food will be meaningless, if the quality of food is not accountable. For example too much toxic or not kosher. Moreover, good food quality will be meaningless when there is not accessible, either because of exclusive price or distribution. Next, food stability also never comes true when there is no an intensive relationship.[11] Food security in the Food Law is a condition of the fulfillment of food for the state up to the individual, which is reflected in the availability of adequate food, both quantity and quality, safe, diverse, nutritious, equitable, and affordable and not contrary to religion, conviction, and community culture, to be able to live healthy, active, and productive. So based on that, the local government has a responsibility to realize food security in the region. Since, the important aspect of food security is sustainability, it is necessary to have an institution that plays a role in food security, both hierarchically from central to local and institutional level from the subsystem of availiability, distribution, to consumption. Governments and communities alike have a responsibility in realizing food security as mandated in food related laws. There are many institutions with same interest on food security, both government and private. These institutions can be sufficient, and it is necessary to strengthen the institution’s functions and roles to be more effective and efficient performance. Thus, effectively and efficiently the performance of institutions related to food security especially in the regions, can increase the achievement of food security in the area.
Specific institutions, dealing with issues related to food security in respective jurisdictions, shall be in a line with the Guidelines. Mentioned that the regional apparatus of District/City that handles food affairs is in the form of the District/City Institution, and the the nomenclature of the institution that organizes in the field of food is called the District Food Security Institution. This special institution has the main duty and function that must be implemented in effort to realize food security in the region, therefore it is appropriate for every region to have food security Institution, and do not give the dense duty to other institution to carry out duties and functions of organizing food security. This situation can solve food problems that it can may be a trigger to other sectors problem.
The increase of Serang City population happens annually around at 1.92 percent. It means agricultural land conversion also occurs, and caused primarly, secondary, and tertiary needs are improved. Subsequently, Serang’s community consumption level on staple food rose from 1360 tons rice demand in 2015 to 64,281 tons rice demand in 2016.[12] So the role of Serang City in effort food security at least can provide solutions for these problems, especially in meeting the increasing food of the community. Based on activities that have been done by Serang City Agriculture Institution, it can be seen that the number of programs implemented is grant of goods to the community groups in the field of agriculture, plantation and fishery. By conducting grants to other granary groups, hope to be achieved is fulfillment of food of the community. The assistance provided by the Serang City Agriculture Institution is an initial stimulant, to developed and ensure that food availabilities are present and increasing. So, that needs of the community, especially those incorporated in certain groups of agriculture, plantations and fisheries can be fulfilled. However, in practice, there is no addition in initial stock that given by Serang City. This can be interpreted that the role made by the Serang City Agriculture Institution in terms of guidance for the community food barns who receive the grant is not maximal. The non-optimal role of the Serang City Agricultural Institution can also be seen from availability of food in Serang City, which comes from local production can not meet the needs for food of the community. So it is necessary to have specific institutions that deal with issues related food security to perform tasks and functions in the field of food security to maximum level.
Efforts made by the Serang City Agriculture Institution in realizing the availability of food is an effort to realize food security. In the implementation, there are constraints faced. Based on interviews with the Head of Food Division of Serang City Agriculture Institution, said that the constraint is limited budget that is owned by the Institution of Agriculture for implementation of various food security programs. So, that why the programs have been implemented are not maximal.[13] Limited budget and limitations of human resources in the internal SKPD become the main obstacles of Serang City Agriculture Institution in organizing food security. The basic tasks and functions of food security that given to Serang City Agricultural Institution separated on the budget allocation for food security program is not enough, because of the budget is devided to other programs. It shown, that Serang City needs to make other efforts in terms of food/agricultural politics. Politics in sense of fundamental policy as a reference for the long term, meaning that food security programs should be done by the government Institution that specifically handles food problems.[14] Another obstacle in implementation of food security, which is not maximal management of food management by the Serang City Agriculture Institution. This can be seen from the insufficient development of local production in realizing availability of food in Serang City. So, it make the supplying food from outside region. With excellent food management despite the limited budget, food security in Serang City still can be realized. Another obstacle is there is no diversity of food reserves that are owned by Serang City and the community, as stated by the Head of Food Division of Serang City Agriculture Institution, the main food that can be reserved in Serang City is only rice.
Many obstacles faced by Serang City Agricultural Institution in organizing food security, indicate that Serang City Agricultural Institution cannot implement the food security in essence. This can also result in availability of food for the community, as there are three sub-systems in food security: food availability, food accessibility, and food security. If in the case of food availability cannot be implemented by Serang City, then other sub-systems will not be executed by of Serang City itself. Because the availability of food can be used as a benchmark in the implementation of food security in area. In addition, availability of food in area will facilitated the people to meet their need, as well as in the city of Serang. If Serang’s people has maximized in effort to fulfill their need for food based on local wisdom food, the people will fulfill their need without import food from other areas. Then welfare of the community will establish for farmers and ordinary people.
This food security institution solely aims to implement state duties in the ICESCR (International Covenant of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights) Convention 2010 related to food security, stated that the task of state is to protect, to respect, and to fulfill. In this case, the fulfillment of the right to food is a state’s duty that must be implemented by the government. So, Food Security Institution can be an agency to fulfill the task. Because, in this case, the government has done prevention to its citizens from inability of its citizens in meeting the needs of their food.[15]
The conclusion of this study is the authority about availability of food in Serang city accepted with attribution through article 12 (2) of FL to the Local Government. noted that food availability is responsibility of Center Government and Local Government. In matters relating to availability of food based on the mandate of Article 18 (2) of Government Regulation No. 17 Year 2015 on Food Security and Nutrition, stated that in the implementation of food reserve District/City implemented by the Regional Work Units (SKPD) that perform the task or performs functions In food security areas. Serang City Agriculture Institution is now an SKPD who have authority in food security, but in it’s duties and functions of Institution of Agriculture dense, it means an independent Institution that charge on food security affairs in specific terms is needed. It is mandated in Article 5 (2) of the Guidlines, stating that the nomenclature of the District/City Institution that administers food affairs is called the District Food Security Institution. So, in the absence of an independent institution whose duties and functions related to food security, Serang City did not implement the Guidlines appropriately.
Constraints to provision of food in effort to implement food security in Serang City, such as budget, less food management, insufficient internal human resources of SKPD that implement food security, caused diversity of food’s understanding. Food security is extend issues, it is not only about agricultural sector. Based on article 1(1) of FL, namely food is anything that comes from biological sources of agricultural products, plantations, forestry, fisheries, livestock, and water, whether processed or not processed as food or drinks for human consumption. Therefore the problems in food security sector is a more complex problem than agricultural sector. So, if food security problem related only handled by Agriculture Institution, other obstacles beyond the agriculture cannot be handled by the Institution, to solve the food problem in wider prespective especially in Serang City. Food security has sub system that must be fulfilled that is food availability, food accessibility, and food safety. The most common problem is related to availability of food, so the solution of food availability problem must be prioritized. If the sub-availability of food is not held maximally, then in implementation of other sub-systems are not optimal.
Increasing population growth almost every year it caused the problem of food needs is rising. An independent institution in charge of food security is required, in line with the mandate of Article 5(2) of the Guidlines, stated that the nomenclature of the District/City Institution that organizes food affairs is called the District Food Security Institution. So, the regulation in food availability which is the authority of Serang City will be implemented maximally with the Regional Device Work Unit (SKPD) that specifically address food security related issues. Given in Banten Province only Serang City which until now has not specific SKPD to handle food security issues.
Food availability includes national food reserves, local food production, and imports of the two main sources are not sufficient for food. Increasing local food production needs to be done by Serang City Agricultural Institution, given the main staple food source of Serang City is mostly obtained from areas outside Serang City. This will be related to food reserves of the Local Government, with given main staple food of Serang City can be reserved at present only rice. Because it is mostly obtained from outside Serang City areas, increase local food production can help diversify of food types in of the Local Government food reserves.

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